I can't believe that another year has flown by and so quickly too. :) There have been many changes in my life this year- some good and some not so great. But we learn to adapt and move forward anyway.
After being married for 4 1/2 years it ended up in divorce but we are still friends. The Lord will guide me in my life as I trust Him. Even though my marriage didn't turn out to be the way that I truly wanted it to be, I know that as I trust Him I will have the marriage that I really desire. This year I have been living in Northern Idaho and working as a Pharmacy technician for Wal-Mart. I earned my national certification in May and I am very grateful that I did that.
This year even though there is a huge amount of lonliness at times, I am feeling hopeful that it will not last too long. Besides the Savior is there holding me during those times and lifting me back up so I can keep moving forward.
As I look back on this year I realize that through all the struggles I have gained peace and feel love for all those who have blessed my life by helping me through the tough times. This next year will be filled with new opportunities as I go back to school again to become a pharmacist. IT will take a lot of work--only another 6 years but it will be worth it.
May the spirit of this Christmas touch each of your hearts as you have touched my heart during this year. Take the time to look at the lights, christmas trees, and snow (for those of you who have it) and allow it to touch your heart to remember the reason for the season. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season- a baby was born over 2000 years ago who would grow up to save the world. He lives today and loves each of us so much.
I hope that each of you who read this will post your comments I would love to hear from each of you. Unfortunately I could not send one to everyone individually since I do not have all the email addresses that I used to.
I hope that each of you will have a terriffic Christmas!!!