Saturday, December 20, 2008

Unexpected move...

Crazy as it sounds we are going to be moving to start out a new year. Because of the trials over the last few months we have been offered to live with Charles' grandma in Priest River, Idaho and we have decided that it was the best thing for us to do. So for awhile we will be living in Northern Idaho until we have our finances more stable. We will be living near his family so they will be able to know me a little better than they do now. It should be an adventure.
Since I have been living in Eastern Idaho for 5 years, most of that time spent in Rexburg, it is not very easy to leave a place that I have grown to love so much. A lot has happened during the last 5 years as I have lived here: found a great man to marry, graduated with a bachelor's degree, made many friends, and have had many memories that will not be forgotten. Now it is time for another adventure to begin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I was curious to find out how far you would be from me and Shasta. You are only a little over an hour away from her house. And from mine you are a little over three hours. So we should meet up and visit sometime. Wouldn't that be so much fun. :)