In the last 6 weeks I have seen more deer than I would normally see during the winter months. Sometimes we will be driving down the road to come back home, and there will be 6 deer just going along on the road. We have to drive really slow so that we do not hit any of them. In fact I have been told that the deer hit the cars more often than a car actually hits a deer. Here are a few pictures to show you what I mean.

I love seeing deer-that's cool you've been able to take some pictures of them.
Sounds like Valentine's Day was a hit with you guys! How fun to go dancing!!!
THis is true about deer hitting YOU up here. Owen and my brother have both been hit. And they sure do some damage. Nuttsos! Lucky for me I haven't had any issues. I hope that lasts!!!
Great Blog Tammy! It is good to know what you guys have been up to. Do they include "deer insurance" on your cars up there in Priest River? How crazy that they run into your cars!
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