The last few days of my adventure with my parents took place in some really cool places. On that Thursday in June we went to the Oregon coast. My one spot that I really wanted to see was Depoe Bay, OR that is the whale watching spot of the coast. So we left Portland early and went on Hwy 18 towards Lincoln City and down to Newport. Depoe Bay is in the middle of those 2 cities. We stopped at the Factory Outlets in Lincoln City. In Depoe Bay, we went out on a boat called the Morning Star and tried to see some whales, but there was a storm coming in so we just enjoyed being out on the Pacific Ocean. Whale Watching is really an amazing thing to do, but I will just have to go do it again since I would love to see an Orca Whale out in the wild. We drove down the coast and saw Devil's Punchbowl, and Cape Foulweather. Then we drove up the coast to the Tillamook Cheese Factory and back to Portland.
Then sadly enough we had to leave Portland, but we stopped at some of the waterfalls along the way out of the gorge. We didn't hike to any of them since we didn't have much time and my ankle was sore enough that I knew it would be a bad idea. We stayed the night in Pendleton, OR and then continued on the rest of the way to Pocatello, ID on the next day. Thus ended our great vacation!
The next great part of the summer was my adventures to Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. I was given a couple of days off in a row, so I decided it was time to go on a mini vacation. I ended up going by myself since my sister had to work. It was really neat to see so many things there, but I definately didn't have enough time to see everything that I wanted too. Oh well, guess I will just have to go back again. I took so many pictures on these adventures that I can't possibly post even a portion of the good ones so enjoy the few that are on here. :)
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