Friday, June 28, 2013

Half way through 2013

So since I don't post too often this could be either really long, or a few parts so here it goes..
This year has brought adventure, homework, work, and more homework. I began the year with a full load of classes to finish before applying for the pharmacy program at ISU. Just before my birthday in March, I found out that I had been accepted to the program and start this fall. I will be a pharmacist in 4 years. :)
In April I went down to Salt Lake City, UT to attend conference. I did not have a ticket, but was blessed with one on Saturday for both sessions. Here are a few pictures showing what I saw.
 These pictures are from Ogden when I stopped to see the construction on the temple that is being remodeled. The picture below is by a building near the temple.

 Then on the first Saturday in April, I waited for Trax to come so I could ride it up to Salt Lake. As I was waiting I met a sister who just recently returned from her mission and the friends she was meeting up from her mission had an extra ticket to the morning session. Here is the view from where we sat up in the terrace. No matter where you sit, you feel the spirit and love being inside.

 Here are other pictures from Temple square....the above one is of the people as they left the conference center after the session was over. Then I loved the blossoms on the trees all over the place so here is one of my favorite pictures of the Salt Lake temple with blossoms.

 Next, one of my favorite things to do in between sessions is go over to Deseret Book across from temple square and see who is there signing autographs and meeting people. I saw John Bytheway when I was a teenager and really loved listening to his great talks. When I first met him he had just gotten married, and now they have several kids. He is one happy father. I was happy to take a few minutes to say hi again.

 Later on back in Deseret Book I saw Michael McLean and McKenze Turley as they showed us some of the songs from his new show called Threads. It was really neat to hear their songs and to see him again. I enjoy going to see The Forgotten Carols as often as I can and saying hi to him.

 Lastly, the last few pictures are of scenery as I have come to love taking pictures of the beautiful earth we live on. The sunsets are beautiful as you drive from Salt Lake home to Pocatello. Then the bottom picture is of the tree that has 2 colors of blossoms on it in front of the building next door.
I have decided to make this into a few posts since there has been so much that I have done since April. The first part of the year has had its ups and downs, but most of all it has taught me that the Lord really does hear us. I was not planning on getting in for a session of General Conference, but I knew if it was to be the Lord would provide the way and He did. Then I didn't know for sure that I would get into pharmacy school this year, but I knew that if it was what He wanted me to do then the way would be opened. He is mindful of us at all times.

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