Sunday, November 8, 2009

Changing times

We had some sad news this week. On Thursday November 5- Charles' Grandmother Mulkey passed away. His father paid for a plane ticket for him to be down there in Texas for the funeral. He has been there since Friday night and has been so happy being back in his home state. He has told me that he even saw his house that he grew up in and the elementary school that he attended. He has seen so many of his family members that he has not seen for a long time. It has been good for him to be there, but I wish that I could have gone with him too. I have never been to Texas and keep hoping to go sometime but we don't have enough money.
It is a sad time for his family, but she is now out of pain. She is now able to be with her husband who died awhile ago.
So in light of this I have had the weekend off work and time to do scrapbooking. I miss him but he did need to go. He doesn't get to see his family very often since they live so far away-- his father's side of the family that is. We see his mom's family often since most of them live just an hour away.