Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here is our new home

Here are pictures of where we are living until we can get back on our own feet again. It snowed when we moved things in and that made it a lot of fun. NOT!!!

These 2 pictures show what the downstairs looks like. We have a nice bedroom, dining area/ computer area, and a TV room. We share the laundry area and the kitchen with Grandma but we are happy to do so.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you got there safe. It looks so pretty there.


HEllo! I'm so excited that you are here! You're in my Stake you know. HOw exciting!!! And you only live about an hour away from me. We should definately get together. I'm so way excited that I have a mission buddy here...well, close any way. You can come visit me anytime you want! We'd love to have you and Charles for dinner sometime. Let me know how things are going.
love ya!

Megan and Jeremy said...

Looks nice and cozy! Looks like you'll be close to the Spokane Temple! I hear that area is just gorgeous. Very cool that you are close to Shasta!