Saturday, May 8, 2010

Anything is possible

The reason for the title of this post is very simple. I have spent the last month studying to take the national test for pharmacy technician. The national test will allow me work at any pharmacy in the United States. I took the test on May 6th and passed it. The score for passing ranges from 650 to 900 and I won't have my offical score until the 21st. I did all I could and then allowed God to help me know what to do.
With God all things are possible!!!! Hearts can heal but not always in the time that we want it too. Sometimes we want to go a lot faster than we need to to heal. God knows better than we do and even when it is hard He will be right there with us. I hope Mother's day is all that each of you want it to be. Mother's deserve the very best.

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