Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hospital experience

I arrived at the hospital on April 6th and was so ready to have the cancer removed. It was difficult to know that I had cancer inside my body and had to wait 6 days for it to be removed. I can not even imagine how other's feel as they are diagnosed with a more serious cancer. Mine is very treatable but I will need to have scans over the rest of my life time to make sure that I do not have any other cancer in my body again. Sometimes thyroid cells can be found in other parts of the body but as of now I will have a radioactive iodine tablet and then a scan to make sure it is all gone. The surgery went well and my entire thyroid is no gone. I spent the day in the hospital and my parents have been with me. It is so nice to have such support from parents, and friends. I received flowers and 2 very cute cards. They brought a smile to my face. Due to the type of surgery, my doctor decided for me to stay over night in the hospital. Since I have compression socks on and a compression monitor that squeezes my legs, I have not slept as much as I think I would have really liked to. But who comes to the hospital to get good sleep anyway- that is what home is for!!! During the night I have had a lot of time to pray, and think about this blessing in disquise. It really is a miracle in the way that this cancer was found so early and at the right time. Yes I do have a pain in the neck and that line has made several people smile. I have tried to remain optomistic through this. No that is not always an easy thing to do but I have come to realize this time that it sure does make it so much better to go through it if you are positive. It is 5:30 am and I feel that I had a night like President Spencer W Kimball did after he had surgery for throat cancer. He has a book called One Silent, Sleepless Night. In this book he describes experiences throughout his life that he remembers through the night as he tries to find sleep. He watches the time hoping that it passes quickly, but it seems to drag on. He brings up also how he must clean his wound and how he wishes for sleep. My night hasn't been exactly like his was, but I kept thinking about how grateful I am to have experiences that bring me closer to my Savior. Over the last year, but more especially the last month I have felt pain more intense than I have over the last 12 years and it has helped me to see my need for Jesus Christ. He knows how I feel and He knows what to do to comfort me. He comforts me as I receive priesthood blessings, as I read the scriptures, as I listen to His prophets and apostles, as I attend His holy temple, as I serve the children by playing the piano so they can sing, and as I attend church each week. Even as I watch the snow fall this morning it reminds me that we can be pure as the white snow when we seek to know Him and repent of what we do wrong. None of my suffering is in vain and none of it is wasted. It is just part of the healing process and as long as He is with me I will make it. Prayer has such a strength to those in need when many use their faith to pray for strength in another's behalf. Thank you dear friends and family who have prayed for me. May you each receive blessings in your life for your faith and strength in praying for me.


Kristin said...

I'm glad things went well for you. You have a great outlook. You're right, the gospel will help you get through everything!

Cathie Owens said...

Tammy, when I read your April fools comment I thought you were kidding about cancer. Now I am home from Michican and reading your blog. I am totally amazed at your strength and positive attitude. They will carry you through your ordeal in life. Hope all is going good now and that your headaches are gone. Please do keep me posted and I will keep you in my prayers.