Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas 2010

For being my first Christmas as a divorced single woman, it was actually one of the best ones I have had. I knew that I needed to be with my family so I asked for time off and planned to go to Portland.
On the 23rd of December, I left North Idaho and drove through Washington. The only hard part of the drive was when I found thick fog just south of the Tri-Cities but it cleared as I got to the Oregon border. Then the rest of the way was good. I had been planning for about 2 weeks to get there a day early and suprise my family. (they had no idea I was coming on that day since the orignal plan was to work and leave on Christmas Eve, But a co-worker needed the saturday off before Christmas so we traded days) When I got into Troutdale, Or (just east of Portland but part of it) I got off at the exit and began to read my directions. My parents just moved into the house just after Thanksgiving so I had never been there. I had everyone on that page but the house number---yet I knew that their cars were outside the garage so I didn't have to call to ask which one.
I parked the car and went up to the door. My mom answered and was surprised to see me. (IT worked - I surprised them) when i talked with my family earlier that week I said that I would be there Friday for sure..... I am so sneaky. It was true I would be there all day Friday. I was so glad to be there with them.
We spent the evening together until my dad went to work since he works nights. But we girls had a good time just hanging out.
On Christmas Eve we all went to Vancouver, WA, at my request since I had not been there as far as I knew. We saw Fort Vancouver (with lots of old and historic buildings) and went to the mall. Then we drove back over the bridge to Portland and went to Deseret Book. That night we had dinner and then drove around a few neighborhoods to see the houses that were decorated with Christmas lights, manger scenes, and other characters for Christmas. It is a tradition that was started a long time ago when I was little. I loved every minute of it---even when my sister was using my mom's camera and the flash went off in my face. lol it was funny even enough it was really bright.

Here are a few pictures from what we saw:

These are just a few of the bright colorful lights that we saw that night.
More to come....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way last year. It was by far my favorite Christmas, too.